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There's no doubt that our character has a profound effect on our future What we must remember, however, is not merely how powerful character is in influencing our fate, but how powerful we are in shaping our own character and, therefore, our own fate. Character may determine our fate, but character is not determined by fate.

It's a common mistake to think of character as something that is fully formed and fixed very early in life. It calls to mind old proverbs like "A leopard can’t change its spots." and "You can t teach an old dog new tricks."

This perspective that our character is "etched in stone" is supported by a great deal of modern psychology emphasizing self-acceptance. As Popeye says, "I am what I am." The hidden message is: Don’t expect me to be more, better, or different.

Ultimately (最后), these views of humanity totally undervalue the lifelong potential for growth that comes with the power of reflection and choice.

How depressing it would be to believe that we cant choose to be better, more honest, more respectful, more responsible, and more caring. None of us should give up the personal seeking to improve our character. Not because we're bad, we don't have to be sick to get better, but because were not as good as we could be.

There are so many things in life we can't control, whether we' re beautiful or smart, whether we have good parents or bad, whether we grow up with affirmation (肯定) or negation. It's inspiring to remember that nothing but moral will power is needed to make us better.

No it isn't easy. But if we make a great effort to become more aware of the habits of heart and mind that drive our behavior, we can begin to place new emphasis on our higher values so that we become what we want our children to think we are.

1.What does the underlined part in Paragraph 3 mean?

A. Our character is carved in the stone with knives.

B. Our character is controlled by oneself.

C. Our character can’t be changed easily.

D. Our character can be better and different.

2.Which of the following would the writer agree with?

A. We should value our lifelong potential for growth.

B. We must attach importance to self-acceptance.

C. A leopard can't change its spots.

D. Our character is fully formed and fixed early in life.

3.What do we need to improve to make ourselves better according to the author?

A. Our smartness.

B. Our will power.

C. Our fate.

D. Our family.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A. It is quite easy to improve our character.

B. We should try our best to be as good as possible.

C. We must meet our children's need.

D. We should control as many things as possible in life.

5.Which of the following might be the best title for the text?

A. Changing Our Character isn't Easy.

B. Character Determines Our Fate.

C. Character is Fully Formed and Fixed.

D. We Shape Our Own Character.

