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Earth Hour started in Sydney on March 31,2007. O___1___ two million homes and businesses turned off their lights for an hour. A year 1ater,in 2008,Earth Hour became the w____2____ activity and was supported by millions of people from thirty-five countries. In 2009,more than two thousand cities in the world take part in it,and Earth Hour came to China. The purpose of the activity is to s____3____ energy and improve climate(气候). Earth Hour has brought about some great c__4__________  to our lives.

We may have different ways of s___5___ the hour. For example, we can go to school on foot or b___6___ bike,plant more trees, use water more than once,never leave the lights o_7___  when we are not at home. Try to make full use of paper by using b8   sides.

Earth Hour is a call for us to work together for a bright f9    .  It is also a message of hope and action. Everyone can make a difference. It’s time for us to make our environment b_10__. Come on! Join us in Earth Hour 2011!

