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Wang Ruonan is a 17-year-old Beijinger. Huang Yuying is a Junior 1 middle school student living in Beichuan, Sichuan. The two girls are good friends. Their friendship started from a schoolbag.

In 2009 Wang’s father told her about a project by the China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (中国扶贫基金会) called “The Schoolbag of Love”. It is about donating schoolbags to kids in poor areas.

You can spend 100 yuan to buy a schoolbag full of school supplies (用品) at the post office. Then the workers there give you a list of kids in poor areas. You choose one of them to send your schoolbag to. After the kid gets the bag, he or she will mail a return postcard to you.

Wang thought it was a very good idea and she acted quickly. She chose to send the bag to Huang. Two weeks later, she got a postcard back from Huang.83. The two soon became good friends, sending messages and making phone calls to each other.

One thing affected (影响) Wang deeply after she made friends with Huang.

“It was 2:00 or 3:00 in the morning. I suddenly got her message telling me a small earthquake hit her place. Their house was shaking and they couldn’t sleep.”

Wang said she was moved because in panic (惊慌) Huang sent a message to her, meaning the girl saw her as a true friend.

84.Warmed by the friendship, Wang donated a second “schoolbag of love” to a girl in Xinyang, Henan last month. She also became a volunteer to introduce the schoolbag project to other communities (社区) in Beijing. “I like the project because I can get to know the people I help and make friends with them,” said Wang. “A  full schoolbag is also practical (实际的) help for students.”


1.Where is Huang Yuying from?


2.How much does a schoolbag full of school supplies cost?







