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Each spring, I conduct a unit on careers with my students. In the past, I asked my students to write down their areas of ____, and then I made a mass call on Facebook for guest speakers. Typically, I got about five people who could come and ____ with my students, but I also heard ____ from more than fifty people who would have loved to come but lived too far away.

It was always such a pity to ____ the chance to host someone who carried out a career in a field that interested a student of mine because of ____. Therefore, a year ago I ____ to try and solve the problem and Skype was the ____. I created a Skype account (账号), and we ____ six of my friends who have careers in ____ areas.

It became clear that while the discussions that ____ the ins and outs of daily career tasks indeed interested my classes, the most inspiring aspects of the interviews had to do with the speakers’ ____ to their present jobs. I saw my students ____ when they heard about the real-life twists and turns (迂回曲折) these adults made on the way to making their futures. Soon more and more students asked to ____ the interviews.

What had begun as an attempt to ____ real-life professionals into the classroom suddenly had all kinds of possibilities. Why not record these videos and create a video library for all students to ____ when their curiosity took hold? All of the work involved was ____ it when I saw my most disengaged (闲散的) students ask questions about areas I had no idea they were interested in.

Students are ____ for adults other than their teachers and parents to ____ their varieties of life paths. The ____ of Skyping and networking also led to some amazing ____ contacts in town.

1.A. research   B. fortune   C. expertise   D. interest

2.A. study   B. speak   C. agree   D. deal

3.A. back   B. hard   C. little   D. abroad

4.A. have   B. improve   C. lose   D. ignore

5.A. health   B. knowledge   C. money   D. distance

6.A. decided   B. continued   C. deserved   D. stopped

7.A. answer   B. level   C. reason   D. pattern

8.A. challenged   B. interviewed   C. visited   D. interrupted

9.A. creative   B. average   C. various   D. technical

10.A. depended on   B. drew on   C. carried on   D. centred on

11.A. solutions   B. freedoms   C. journeys   D. objections

12.A. turn up   B. light up   C. stay up   D. break up

13.A. give   B. attend   C. hold   D. get

14.A. fool   B. lead   C. force   D. bring

15.A. wander   B. explain   C. access   D. manage

16.A. within   B. unlike   C. worth   D. beyond

17.A. grateful   B. hungry   C. ready   D. sorry

18.A. offer   B. discuss   C. add   D. show

19.A. act   B. figure   C. set   D. sign

20.A. daily   B. physical   C. new   D. psychological

