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While we are learning English, we should first pay more attention to listening and speaking. It is important because it is the basic work of reading and writing. Make sure to open your mouth and speak English loudly and 1. (confident). Don’t be afraid of 2.(make) some mistakes. You should also develop the habit of keeping 3.(diary) in English. That’s 4. best way I can think of to improve your 5.(write) English. If it is possible, ask some others to go through 6. you have written and tell you where there is a mistake. Many mistakes in your speaking will be easily 7.(find) once you write them down.

 Through correcting some unnecessary mistakes, you can do better 8. learning English than ever before. At the same time, you are supposed to choose some proper reading materials for yourselves, which I think should be 9. too difficult nor too easy. While you are reading, don’t stop to look up the words in the dictionary. If you refer to the dictionary too often, most probably you will get 10.(bore) and stop reading in no time.

