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It’s hard to imagine that Dayme Delgado ever struggled(挣扎) in school.

When the 18-year-old graduated from Mater Academy Charter High School in Miami, Florida, US, she already had a full scholarship(奖学金)from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She plans to study math and aerospace (航空航天) engineering.

But when Dayme first started school, she felt frustrated because she didn’t understand different subjects in English. As the daughter of two Cuban immigrants (移民), Dayme didn’t learn English until she got to kindergarten. The only thing that made sense (有意义,讲得通) to her was math.

"Numbers are kind of their own language, so I was like, ‘Oh, I’ve got this,’" she said. From an early age, she worked harder on her math skills instead. She has taken every math class at Mater Academy and several at Miami Dade College.

Math came so naturally to Dayme that she usually didn’t have to take notes. She simply paid close attention and understood.

She has also encouraged other female(女性的) students to take math and science courses. She read research that shows girls are as interested in math and science as boys in primary school. But when they get to high school, few girls see themselves pursuing careers (追求职业) in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) fields.

"The most important thing is to realize that math is just like anything else," Dayme said. "It is not dependent on your gender(性别) or your ethnicity(种族). Forget about what others think and just go for it."

1.What was the biggest challenge for Dayme when she started school in the US?

A. She didn’t have money to pay for her studies.

B. She couldn’t understand courses in English.

C. She was not born in the United States.

D. She never went to kindergarten.

2.She made great efforts to learn        from an early age.

A. English   B. engineering   C. math   D. science

3.Dayme believes that        .

A. English is not that important in school.

B. math and science are too difficult for girls.

C. her classmates should take some after-school courses.

D. girls should be more confident in learning math.

4.What does the underlined word "frustrated"mean in Chinese?

A. 挫败的   B. 迷惑的   C. 有趣的   D. 荒谬的

5.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE?

A. Dayme is good at English all the time.

B. In primary school, many girls can study as well as boys.

C. Dayme graduated from Mater Academy Charter High School in Miami, Florida, US at the age of 19.

D. Dayme worked hard and took a lot of notes in math classes.

