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It’s important to prepare for rainy days. Similarly, it’s important to save money. __ 1.___ Why? It’s because they’ve got used to spending all the money they make. Sometimes, the hardest thing about saving money is just getting started. Here are some tips to help you save money.

  2.  The first step in saving money is to know how much you’re spending. For one month, keep a record of everything you spend money on. Once you have your data, organize these numbers by category(类别) and get the total amount for each.

You can make a budget(预算). Now that you have a good idea of how much you spend in a month, what can you do now?    3.___ To plan your spending, you can build a budget. In this way, you can limit over-spending and make sure that you put money away for unexpected situations.

   4. Doing so make it much easier to get started. Begin by deciding how long it will take to reach each goal. Some short-term goals include starting a fund to cover 6 months to a year of living costs and saving money for a vacation. Long-term saving goals are often several years or even decades away and can include saving for retirement and putting money away for a child’s college education.

Make saving money easier with automatic transfers (自动转帐). Automatic transfers to your savings account are very helpful.    5.  By moving money out of your checking account, you’ll be less likely to spend money you plan to use for savings.

A. You can set savings goals.

B. You can record your costs.

C. You can plan your spending.

D. You can keep a record of what you do.

E. They can make saving money much easier.

F. However, some people find it hard to save money.

G. You can move money out of your savings account.

