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My name is Chen Chen.My father works in a bank.The bank is far from our home.He goes to work by bike.My mother teaches math in a middle school.Her school is near our home.So she often goes to school on foot.She likes her work very much.My aunt is a farmer.She has a small farm(农场).She has a daughter named Qin Meimei.We are good friends.Her favorite sport is ping-pong.We often play ping-pong and do our homework on weekends.

1.Chen Chen’s father’s bank is   his home.

A. before   B. behind

C. far from   D. near

2.Qin Meimei calls Chen Chen’s mother   .

A. worker   B. aunt

C. doctor   D. sister

3.How does Chen Chen’s mother go to work?

A. On foot.   B. By bike.

C. By bus.   D. By car.

4.This passage is mainly(主要地) about   .

A. Qin Meimei

B. Chen Chen’s family

C. Chen Chen’s friends

D. Qin Meimei’s friends

