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Vast deserts, magic carpets, and the legend of Aladdin’s lamp. For most Chinese people, Saudi Arabia is a faraway land that exists only in bedtime stories.

However, connections between the two countries date back to ancient times. The economic and cultural ties between the Tang Dynasty (AD 618-907) and the Arabian empire reached their height in the 9th century. Paper-making workshops did thrive in what is now Saudi Arabia while Arabian knowledge of math, astronomy and spread to the Middle Kingdom.

These exchanges, recorded by Arabian merchants sailing along the ancient Maritime Silk Road, became materials for folk stories, such as the One thousand and One Nights stories.

Fast forward a millennium (千年), the relationship between a modern Saudi Arabia and a progressive China has entered a new era, thanks to the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013.

“Saudi Arabia is one of the first countries that responded positively to the Belt and Road Initiative,” Saudi Ambassador to China Gurki Mohanmed told Xinhua.

“In terms of strategic location, Saudi Arabia serves as the central place connecting Asia, Africa and Europe, making it an important part of the initiative,” he added.

In fact, since they built diplomatic ties in 1990, the two countries have seen a sound development of partnerships. In 2015, China became Saudi Arabia’s largest trade partner while Saudi Arabia has been China’s biggest crude oil supplier next to Russia and largest trade partner in West Asia and Africa for years.

Xu Mengmeng is now completing his graduation project on marine science at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology in Saudi Arabia. On weekdays, he works on his research project on sharks. When free, he tours the city to experience the local culture.

Now China has become a favorite choice of Saudi Arabian students expecting to study overseas. Momudouh from Saudi Arabia came to Xi’an to study marketing in 2010. He told Xi’an Daily that he was attracted by the fast trade opportunities between the two counties. He desired to bring back the so-called new four inventions back to his home country—high-speed rail, Alipay, bicycle sharing and online shopping.

1.What does the underlined word “thrive” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Fail.

B. Boom.

C. Fade.

D. Close.

2.What can we learn from the economic and cultural exchanges between the two countries?

A. The Arabians acquired advanced medicine from China.

B. The economic and cultural exchanges started in the 9th century.

C. Saudi Arabia is the biggest crude oil exporting country to China.

D. One thousand and One Nights is based on the ties between Chinese and Arabians.

3.By mentioning the two students, the author intends to show that ________.

A. more and more students prefer to study abroad

B. young people should experience some foreign cultures

C. the two countries have benefited a lot from the exchanges

D. China’s high-speed rail and Alipay are, attracting Arabian students

4.What could be the best title of the text?

A. The Belt and Road Initiative

B. The Chinese-Arabian Connection

C. The Advantages of Exchange in China

D. The Bond of Cultural and Economic Ties

