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China welcomed an important visitor this week. He is Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations. Annan stayed in China _______ five days. This is his fifth visit. He talked with Chinese leaders about _____the UN would change in the new century. He also visited hospitals and talked with students.

“To the grown-ups in this room, I would say: let us not make children ______ our mistakes any more,” Annan said. He also told the children at the meeting that they all had the right to _____ and good health care.

Annan was born in West Africa in 1938. He studied in Europe and the United States. He _____ to work for the World Health Organization when he was 24. Annan is the first Black African Secretary General.______ he became Secretary General in 1997, Annan has been trying hard to make the world _______ and to help poor people. “We have to find out what people _______ and do something for them,” said Annan.

The 66-year-old man is not only head of the UN, but also the father of three children. During Annan’s second

_____ as Secretary General, the UN opened its first meeting on children in New York. Sixty world leaders and about 250 child delegates (代表) took part in the meeting. The leaders ______to children’s ideas and are now trying to make the world better for them.

1.A. in   B. for   C. with   D. on

2.A. how   B. what   C. when   D. where

3.A. look for   B. work for   C. search for   D. pay for

4.A. development   B. hiking   C. education   D. traveling

5.A. moved   B. studied   C. traveled   D. started

6.A. Since   B. Until   C. After   D. Before

7.A. bigger   B. safer   C. cleaner   D. smaller

8.A. say   B. do   C. need   D. offer

9.A. term   B. chance   C. experience   D. time

10.A. talked   B. listened   C. wrote   D. turned

