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wide,   then,   with,   use,   without,   appear,

direct,  talent,   so,   honor,  sad,     much

Hedy Lamarr was born in 1914. When she was still a teenager, she fell in love with acting. Soon she was discovered by an American 1.. At the age of 18, she 2. in her first film and began to get a lot of attention. Years later, she became a famous Hollywood actress. She was so popular that her hairstyle was even 3. followed by the fans. At that time she was 4. as “the most beautiful woman in the world”. Many people pay 5. attention to her beauty than her acting skills. This brought her 6. and pain, 7.she gave up acting and started a new life. Then she decided to invent something 8.. You must be very surprised. What could an actress invent? But we’d like to say anybody who has used a mobile phone should thank her. Because 9. her technology of FHSS(跳频扩频), today we will not have GPS, Bluetooth, mobile phones or Wi-Fi networks. So she was called “Wireless Goddess”. Now, Hedy is remembered not only as one of the most 10. actresses but also a great inventor.

