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Today was Father’s Day. I missed you, Dad!    at your photos, I thought of the happy days when you stayed with me. It seemed as if everything had happened yesterday.

I remembered how you taught me to be a person with good    , such as honesty, kindness and self-respect. You taught me to enjoy     and work.

You taught me about love, as you    yours with all seven of us children. But,    , I thought of how you taught me of God’s great    for his children. You showed the way, by being at church each time the doors were open. I was    you, as you led our family in prayer(祈祷)each    before going to bed. Through you, I    what is truly important in life. I now know that you continue to live through me and I hope I have   that legacy(遗产)on to my kids.

I know that your life was not easy    you lost your father when you were only two years old. I know that you had to    your studies and help your mother. You    your responsibilities, as you did in supporting our    . Thanks, Dad!

So, parents and    to all you Dads, remember that you can have a positive (积极的) influence    your children by what you teach them and that they will make a difference in this world.

Children, now it’s time to    your love and thanks to your Dad    what he does for you. A big hug, a    thank you and living a life of purpose, all of    will give him more joy, are worth your doing.

1.A. Looking    B. Laughing     C. Pointing     D. Shouting

2.A. energies    B. skills         C. abilities       D. qualities

3.A. rest       B. peace     C. life        D. success

4.A. bargained   B. devoted   C. shared           D. competed

5.A. in all      B. above all        C. at all            D. after all

6.A. pain  B. love     C. surprise          D. beauty

7.A. watching B. waiting   C. replacing         D. persuading

8.A. hour      B. dusk      C. night           D. noon

9.A. ordered   B. advised     C. searched     D. learned

10.A. passed    B. given     C. offered     D. depended

11.A. if       B. though       C. before         D. because

12.A. pack up   B. give up     C. rely on        D. leave for

13.A. made     B. solved       C. took       D. doubted

14.A. family    B. house         C. team           D. class

15.A. carefully B. wonderfully     C. especially      D. regularly

16.A. of      B. for         C. on            D. to

17.A. examine B. express   C. change        D. explore

18.A. in charge of B. in search of     C. in honor of     D. in return for

19.A. hot  B. warm      C. strong        D. heavy

20.A. which    B. them         C. that           D. what

