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Frank was clever, but he never liked to work hard. He often said to his friends, "If you work hard, you will make a lot of money, but it is not so good. I want easy work and a lot of money. That's the most interesting thing in the world. "So he could only be a thief. But he still thought it was too much work, so he only told his friends what to do and got money from them.

One day, Frank sent one of his friends to a very large and beautiful house. He told him to get money from that rich family. It was evening, and a man and a girl were in the room. They were playing a duet(二重奏)on a piano. Then the thief came into the house.

When he returned, Frank asked him what he had got. But he said, "I didn't take anything. That family can't have much money. You know, two people were playing on the same piano there. They did not have money to buy another piano. "

1.Which is the best title for the passage?

A. Frank and His Work.        B. One Piano Only.

C. The Man and the Girl.       D. Easy Work and More Money.

2.From the story we know that Frank________________.

A. had many clever friends

B. was more clever than most of the people

C. didn't want to do any work

D. knew many interesting things in the world

3.Frank's friends __________________.

A. were all thieves

B. were clever enough to do easiest work

C. usually worked as hard as Frank

D. knew who were rich and who were poor

4.The thief didn't go into the beautiful house because _____________.

A. that family was not rich

B. he knew nothing about music

C. the piano was too big for him

D. the man and the girl had already seen him

5.The story tells us if we want to become rich, we must ________________.

A. find an easy job    

B. work hard

C. have a lot of friends

D. learn something about money

