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Welcome to Happy Days Club. It is a great place to keep healthy. It has great fun and is very exciting.

Ball Game Center

You can play volleyball, tennis or other ball games here.

3:00 p.m.—10:00 p.m.

Tel: 375-4789

Swimming Center

It’s really cool!

4:00 p.m.—12:00 p.m.

Tel: 375-4753

Free Class Center


8:00 a.m.—12:00 a.m.

Tel: 375-4676


1:00 p.m.—6 : 00 p.m.

Tel: 375-4762

Kids Club

You can play and make friends here.

Tel: 375-4766

1. Happy Days Club is a club for people to _______.

A. keep healthy             B. enjoy music         C. play volleyball

2.If you want to play basketball , you can call _______.

A. 375-4753             B.375-4789              C.375-4766

3.You can take the dancing class at ________.

A.8:00 a.m.                 B.1:00 p.m.                 C.3:00 p.m.

4.If a child wants to have more friends, he or she can go to _______.

A. Swimming pool        B. Ball Game Center         C. Kids Club

5.There are _______ different clubs in the club.

A. three               B. four                       C. five

