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This is a family of ants close to my house ,but I don’t know when they came here. They work h1. all day long cleaning their house and l2. for food outside. There is not a lazy one in their family. There are f3. to each other and help each other. I like them very much and often go to s4. them. One day I went to see the ants just before a h5. rain. They were busy carrying e6. in their mouths to stop up the door of their house. Just then the rain came down. I ran back into the house. I thought, “The ants will be in d7. .How heavy the rain is!” After the rain s8. .I went out to see the ants. The earth at the door kept the rain out. They were busy carrying it away. It was late, the people all went home. I thought that the ants must be t9. .I went to see them again with the help of the lamp. They were w10. still quietly. What good, hard-working neighbours they are!

