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Though we care more for our physical health, most people still don’t spend their time ________ healthy meals for themselves. Are you ______  them? Do you often eat packaged(包装的) snacks and fast food? ______   your answer is yes, I know it is because you do not know what makes a right diet (饮食) and why it is important. Eating the right foods keeps you healthy and ______   your memory. First, for this, you will create a food journal(日记).Write down everything you eat for one week. At the end of the week, ______   what you have written down. Most likely, there will be at least a few improvements. Second, love yourself, and consider yourself as a child, then your choices of food will change ______  . You will______   choices that both fit your lifestyle and enhance(增强) your health. Third, read and gather nutrition (营养)information, and ask your doctor to ______   you form a new food plan. Then follow it to get a ______   life. And don’t forget ______  some chocolate or ice cream now and then.

1.A. to provide   B. providing     C. prepare       D. preparing

2.A. in         B. with        C. between      D. among

3.A. unless       B. when       C. though       D. if

4.A. increases    B. helps       C. improves     D. progresses

5.A. miss        B. think       C. review       D. care

6.A. carefully   B. possibly     C. quickly     D. correctly

7.A. make        B. do        C. get         D. achieve

8.A. change      B. help         C. interest       D. choice

9.A. long        B. longer       C. short       D. shorter

10.A. enjoying     B. to enjoy     C. to buy       D. buying

