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Tom was a little boy,and he was only seven years old.Once he went to the cinema alone because his parents were both busy.It was the first time for him to do that. He bought a ticket and went in. After two or three minutes he came out, and bought the second ticket and went in again. After a few minutes he came out again and bought the third ticket .Two or three minutes after that, he came out and asked for another ticket. But a girl amazed and asked him, “Why do you buy so many tickets? How many friends do you meet?” “No, I have no friends here, _________”


1. The underlined word “amazed” in the passage “_________”

A. happy   B. Sad     C.surprise

2. Tom bought  _________ tickets in all.

A. two     B. Three   C. four

3. The boy went to see the film _________.

A. with his parents

B.  by himself

C. with a girl

4. Which of the following is TRUE ?

A. The boy was only six years old.

B. The had no friends in the cinema.

C. It was the boy ’s  first time to see a movie with his parents.

5. “_________”can be the missing sentence in the passage.

A. but a woman always makes me help her clean the room.

B. but a woman always asks me to buy a ticket.

C. but a woman always stops me at the door and cuts up my ticket.

