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X.阅读理解七选五 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项。

Do you know the popular online words“China’s four great inventions”Beijing Foreign Studies University surveyed young people from 20 countries a few months ago.1..They are high-speed trains,bike sharing,cashless payment(五现金支付) and online shopping。Chinese didn’t create them, but they are using them.So people’s lives are getting more and more different.

China’s new high-speed train,Fuxing,made its first running at 350 km/h on the railway between Beijing and Shanghai on Sept 21.If you take common trains to travel between the two

cities,it may take more than 15 hours .But Fuxing only needs 4.5 hours .2..

In 2016, there were 2,595 high-speed train running across China, which took up 60 percent of the

world’s high-speed trains.

Cashless payment has become a way for many Chinese people3..Even a small

street fruit shop has a QR code for WeChat pay or Aliopay(支付宝).So many young people go out

with their phone only.

4..People can get the bike by using mobile apps,and bikes can be found and

put almost anywhere.Now,there are more than 30 bike-sharing companies in China such as Mobike and Ofo .This year they got to Singapore,the UK,Russia and the US.

With China’s online shopping service ,life could be easier for people who like to stay at home.5..Alibaba even created the new websites in English,Japanese and so on to help foreigners in China buy things on Taobao and Tmall .Don’t you think they are great?

A.You can easily buy food on an app and it always arrives in minutes

B.It found four most creative technologies(技术)in China

C.You can buy something by scanning(扫描)a QR code with your phone

D.It played the most interesting song at the radio station

E.So Fu Xing is one of the fastest trains around the world

F.You can easily find out who is arriving at the bus stop

G.Bike sharing itself is not new ,but China gave a new meaning to it

