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Today is the first day of the new school term. Many students have new_______ on. Jack has a new blue T-shirt and a _______ of black shorts. Tom has new white shoes. _______ is the girl in the red skirt? Oh, she is Lily! Your red _______ looks nice. How much is it?” Anna _______. “ Thanks, Anna. I’m _______ I don’t know. I _______ to ask my mom,” Lily answers. Alice’s new schoolbag is _______ nice. She says it’s _______ 30 yuan. Oh! Mr. Lee ________ with lots of new books. I need to go to my class now.

1.A. clothes   B. books   C. desks   D. tables

2.A. set   B. box   C. pair   D. let

3.A. Who   B. What   C. How   D. Where

4.A. sweater   B. jacket   C. skirt   D. shoe

5.A. finds   B. asks   C. thinks   D. get

6.A. late   B. short   C. sorry   D. right

7.A. like   B. need   C. love   D. likes

8.A. very   B. much   C. many   D. some

9.A. also   B. cheap   C. only   D. too

10.A. takes   B. comes   C. goes   D. looks

