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Having trouble getting and maintaining good grades is a problem among many students. Changes and stress can have a major effect on grades,whether it's because of a new environment,more students,switching classes or having trouble with notebooks. __ 1.___ Here are some tips for you to get good grades and enjoy your school life.

Stay organized. If your school provides an agenda(日程) book of some kind,use it!If not,buy one!__2._ Being aware of your schedule can really help you manage your time.

Manage your time wisely. Make sure that you finish the work that needs to get done. Leave it till 10:30 at night or the next morning can leave things chaotic(混乱的). __3.__ Instead,have 10-15 minutes every day for study leading up to the test. That way, you will reduce stress and remain prepared.

__4.__This means many things. Come to class every day. Being prepared is probably the most important aspect of success. It means having your homework completed,having the necessary supplies,etc.

Take good notes. Learn to recognize important information. For example,usually if the teacher has taken the time to repeat something,or write it on the board,chances are it will be important later,perhaps on a test of some kind. __ 5.__It is a common but wrong belief that doing so is the best strategy(策略).In fact,not everything that your teacher says is that important.

A.Be successful in the classroom.

B.They are not very expensive at all.

C.However,do not write down everything the teacher says.

D.Your brain cannot take in so much information all at once.

E.Only hang around with friends who are serious in their study.

F.Almost every student will need time to adjust and it can be hard to do.

G.Leaving studying for a big test to the night before is also not a good idea.

