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If you are a book-lover, you may be interested in the following.

Dietland, by Sarai Walker

If you’re sick of the stick-thin and perfectly slim models of society today, Dietland is for you. The funny novel follows Plum Kettle, an over-weight advice journalist who answers fan mail for a teen girls’ website. She’s convinced that her life won’t really start until she saves up enough money for her weight-loss operation — when she’ll finally look like the “perfect” woman. But after she gets pulled into a series of adventures with a group of women who live life on their own terms, she begins to reconsider her own opinions of what “beauty” really is.

Orhan’s Inheritance, by Aline Ohanesian

After Orhan’s Turkish grandfather dies, he learns that while he’s taken over his grandfather’s successful business, the house that’s been in his family for generations was not left to him. Instead, it went to an 87-year-old woman who lives in L.A. that no one in his family has ever heard of. To get to the bottom of this, Orhan travels to L.A. to meet with the woman. It’s then that he uncovers the secrets of his family.

Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind, by Yuval Noah Harari

If the story of evolution (进化) has always interested you, this book is for you. In it, Dr. Yuval Noah Harari explores how, if 100,000 years ago there were six different kinds of humans on Earth, only one lived through to today: homo sapiens. He takes both an historical and biological approach to his discussion of how humans have evolved over time. He talks about the society created by sapiens and cultural wonders. And perhaps what is most fascinating is the evolution of humans.

1.What does Plum Kettle want before she joins the women in the adventures?

A. Natural beauty.

B. A large sum of money.

C. A healthy lifestyle.

D. A slim shape.

2.What puzzled Orhan after his grandfather’s death?

A.Their house was given to a stranger.

B.His grandfather’s business was such a success.

C.He had to take care of the 87-year-old woman.

D.The 87-year-old woman was one of his relatives.

3. What’s the most interesting in Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind ?

A. The advanced society.      B. The rise of humans.

C. The development of biology.   D. The cultural wonders.

