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1.Their _________ (behave) towards me shows that they do not like me.

2.He had been under _________ (观察) by the police before he was caught.

3.We’d better take time and money into _________ (consider) when making the plan.

4.We have been told to show r_________ for our elders.

5._________ (inspire) by what the old man said, the boy decided to try again.

6.Look! There is a child _________ (挣扎) in the lake.

7. He made up his mind to r_________ himself of the bad habits.

8. The meeting last week was aimed at _________ (扩张) the company.

9.She r_________ her weight by 5 kilograms because she considered herself too fat.

10.The man, who is _________ (提到,涉及) to at the meeting, is my former classmate.

11.The scientist said that the rocks had changed in both _________ (chemistry) and physical ways.

12.The old man came in, with two young men _________ (支持,支撑) his body.

13.Whenever I come across computer problems, I will consult my uncle because he is a s_________ in that field.

14.More teaching _________ (设备) will be given to the school as a reward.

15.There were strong _________ (argue) for and against the new policy.

16.He felt a great sense of a_________ when he finally succeeded in entering that key university.

17.To my _________ (satisfy), he succeeded in finishing the work ahead of schedule.

18.90% of the products are _________ (出口) to Europe, which earns a lot of money for our country.

19.Researchers in this field have made several important new _________ (discover)

20.The girl is so gossip that she likes to make c_________ on others' clothes.

21.Now more than 60% of the rice produced in China each year _________ (be) from this hybrid strain.

22.Barbara is easy to recognize as she is the only one of the women who _________ (wear) evening dress.

23.Going to bed early and getting up early _________ (be) a good habit.

24.No one can avoid _________ (influence) by advertisements.

25. He attached great importance to _________ (build) up our country.

