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How to Stay Focused in a Noisy World

Block out time for uninterrupted work.

Make sure you schedule important time for yourself where you can focus on your tasks in uninterrupted silence. 1. Think of this as scheduling a meeting with yourself and treat it the same as you would when scheduling a meeting with others.

Turn technology from a distraction into a useful tool.

2. However, there are also some really cool apps that encourage you to be more productive and less distracted by your phone. Forrest is an app that rewards you each time you focus well, motivating you in a fun way and encourages you to leave your phone well alone.

Schedule a distraction time.

Just as important as scheduling focus time is scheduling distraction time. 3. More specifically, the most productive employees spent 52 minutes working followed by a 17-minute break each time. This is down to the brain’s ability to stay motivated--it just can’t sustain(维持)long periods of focus and concentration.

Practice mindfulness.

Mindfulness trains your mind to identify thoughts that arise throughout your day.

Mindfulness practice can be done at any time. 4. When reading, really take in every word or while out walking notice how your body feels and the details of your surroundings. Doing this on a regular basis will eventually train your mind when it comes to other areas where distracting thoughts pop up like a work task.

Exercise regularly.

Not only is exercise good for the body but it’s also good for the brain. Physical exercise fires up the neurons in the brain making you more willing to concentrate. 5.

A. It’s difficult to focus on your work.

B. We need to get rid of distractions around us.

C. These days, many people feel controlled by their phones.

D. A study found that regular breaks was the key to productivity.

E. When you eat your food, notice the taste and how it looks and feels.

F. Let people know that you won't respond unless it’s absolutely necessary.

G. This means it increases your ability to ignore distractions and get on with the task at hand.

