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Sanford Greenberg was once a lucky guy. A poor kid from Buffalo, New York, he was ____ into Columbia University on a full scholarship and had a great ____, Arthur Garfunkel. But in his third year of college, Greenberg’s ____changed—he was going blind. He was so ____ that he refused to see anyone from college. But Garfunkel went up to Buffalo, ____ Greenberg to go back to Columbia and offered to be his _____

Greenberg returned to campus. Garfunkel and two other roommates read textbooks to him, taking time out form their own studies, and Greenberg ____ scoring straight A’s. ____ , he was afraid of getting around alone and relied on his friends to help him.

Then, one afternoon, Greenberg and Garfunkel went to Midtown Manhattan. When it was time for Greenberg to ____, Garfunkel said he had an appointment and couldn’t ____ him. Greenberg panicked. They argued, and Garfunkel walked off, leaving Greenberg ____in Grand Central Terminal. Greenberg stumbled (跌跌撞撞地走)through the rush-hour crowd. He ____ a shuttle train west to Times Square, then changed to an uptown train. Four miles later, he ____at the Columbia University stop. At the university’s gate, someone ____him.

“Oops, excuse me, sir” Greenberg ____the voice. It was Garfunkel’s. Greenberg’s first ____was anger, but in the next second, he realized what he had just _____ -- and realized, too, who had made it possible. “It was one of the most brilliant ____ Greenberg says. “Arthur had been with me the whole way.”

After graduation, Greenberg got his doctor’s degree from Harvard and became a successful inventor and businessman. _______blind, Greenberg sees everything. “You are talking,” he always says, “to the_____ man in the world.”

1.A. transported   B. admitted   C. introduced   D. forced

2.A. teacher   B. father   C. roommate   D. doctor

3.A. fortune   B. attitude   C. plan   D. career

4.A. busy   B. ashamed   C. shy   D. upset

5.A. promised   B. persuaded   C. allowed   D. reminded

6.A. guard   B. recorder   C. reader   D. cook

7.A. put off   B. ended up   C. thought of   D. felt like

8.A. Still   B. So   C. Instead   D. Besides

9.A. pay   B. start   C. perform   D. return

10.A. recommend   B. instruct   C. accompany   D. replace

11.A. crying   B. working   C. hungry   D. alone

12.A. took   B. left   C. heard   D. saw

13.A. caught up   B. gave up   C. set off   D. got off

14.A. noticed   B. ran into   C. waited for   D. welcomed

15.A. remembered   B. liked   C. knew   D. followed

16.A. impression   B. decision   C. suggestion   D. reaction

17.A. predicted   B. accomplished   C. demanded   D. witnessed

18.A. ideas   B. goals   C. inventions   D. stories

19.A. When   B. Until   C. Though   D. Unless

20.A. luckiest   B. cleverest   C. warmest   D. richest

