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I am Jackie Lee, an American Chinese. Let me tell you about my grandfather's life story.

My grandfather was    1. in 1932 and grew up in a poor village in Fujian, China. At the age of 14, he first heard of

America. It was said to be the land of gold and poor people could easily become    2. there.

So, my grandfather came to America. "I had thought it was easy to    3. money in America," he told me. "But when I    4. in Los Angeles, I realized it was not true. I couldn't find a good job because I spoke little English. I wanted to go to a language school to learn English,   5.I couldn't afford it. Later, I worked in a small   6., serving the guests, cleaning up the tables, washing the dishes and sweeping the floors. I was such     7.helpful and honest worker that my boss was pleased with me. I was popular with my workmates,   8.. Life became easier and in the end I entered an evening school to learn English."

My grandfather kept working hard , and finally made   9. dream come true. Things do not come easily in life. That is what I have learned    10.my grandfather.

