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Six excellent students from the Liverpool City Academy are celebrating their success after the Prime

Minister presented them with the top award in the National Young People in Business Competition.

Students across the United Kingdom were asked to create their own business.The City Academy’s

idea of greetings cards certainly impressed the judges(法官)!

The City Academy students were competing with over 500 other schools to win this famous award.

The students also won a prize of £10,000for their school and £500 for each member of the winning team.

Their winning business “Academy Creations” made greetings cards and e-cards which they sold at

local shops and through their website.The students had to present their business and their results to a team

of top business people.They then had to answer questions about their experience of running the business.

The judges praised the team members for “their excellent business plan, the quality of their greetings cards

and their creative way of selling”.

Mr.Harry Thompson, head of the City Academy, was delighted by the team’s success.“we are very

proud of what the team has done.The students worked very hard, which led to their success.”

The members of the winning team were Jessica Smith, Andrew Chang, Risha Bedi, Frank Gordon and

twin sister Carol and Lisa Taytor.Lisa told us, “The best part about the business was working together as a

team.That is what helped us to be successful.We all had different talents and strengths.”

The whole team agreed that running the business was a great way to learn and the experience would

help them when they were running their own businesses in the future!

1.Who was NOT the member of the winning team?

A. Frank Gordon.   B. Jessica Smith   C. Harry Thompson.   D. Risha Bedi

2.How much money was given out for the top prize in total?

A. 10,000 pounds.   B. 10,500 pounds   C. 13,000 pounds   D. 15,000 pounds.

3.What was the key to success, according to the members of the team?

A. The excellent business plan.   B. The quality of their greetings cards.

C. The creative way to sell products.   D. The team spirit of the members

4.Which is NOT true according to the article?

A. There were six members receiving a prize from the Prime Minister.

B. Team spirit was the best part about the business.

C. The students sold all their greetings cards through the website.

D. The students had to answer questions from top business people.

5.What can we learn from the article?

A. Team spirit is the most important for success.

B. Students can do business better than adults.

C. More students should be encouraged to do business

D. Selling greetings cards can make a lot of money,

