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Roby Burch, 16, a US student, gets to school a little _______—he goes by horse.

Burch has been riding his horse 4 miles to and _______ school since the beginning of this semester(学期).“Every morning, wearing my blue jacket and jeans, I'm on my way at 6 am,” Burch says. “The streets are mostly _______ at this time of morning. It's a nice way to start the day.”

The idea was his _______.His family were enjoying their vacation on their farm this summer. “My dad just said, ‘Burch, you _______ ride your horse to school every day,’” says Burch.

Burch asked for yes from the headmaster(校长), Joe Cox, and he got the green light. Cox even _______ Burch to keep the horse next to the headmaster's house. Then his dad helped Burch find the best route(路线) to school. It is along back streets and has _______ cars than the others.

Now as the days grow _______ and colder, he continues to ride his horse. “I will ride my horse even in the coldest weather,” he says.

Burch says the first time he sat on a horse, he was afraid._______ now, “It's what I do best. I love riding horses more than ________ else,” he says. “It's really a great thing.”

1.A. mainly   B. correctly   C. differently   D. quickly

2.A. for   B. from   C. on   D. after

3.A. empty   B. crowded   C. busy   D. noisy

4.A. sister's   B. brother's   C. mum's   D. dad's

5.A. will   B. won't   C. should   D. shouldn't

6.A. invited   B. allowed   C. taught   D. kept

7.A. fewer   B. few   C. more   D. many

8.A. short   B. long   C. shorter   D. longer

9.A. So   B. Or   C. And   D. But

10.A. anything   B. nothing   C. everybody   D. somebody

