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sale, talk, at, wait, help

Hey! I’m Lucy. Today is Sunday. I don’t go to school. I am shopping  1. West Mall with my parents. I see some good sweaters at the Mall. And they are on  2.  The red sweater is only  40  yuan . The yellow sweater is only 20  yuan . My mother is  3. to the shop assistant. Oh, dear! The shop assistant is my mother’s good friend. She is  Mrs  Jones. Her daughter, Linda is 4.her mother sell sweaters. Where is my father? He is in front of the mall. He is talking with a policeman and  5. for us. Who is the policeman? Sorry, I don’t know.

snow, sun, hot, relax, scarf

6.He is drinking coffee, he looks really ________.

7.—Your ________ are all very nice.

—Thanks a lot.

8.It’s ________. Let’s go for a picnic(野餐).

9.Look, it’s ________, let’s make a snowman .

10.Don’t go out in this ________.

