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This report shows something of home computers used by a group of young people. It is a common idea that children today know about computers and have a good knowledge of using them in all sides of their lives.

We decided to try to find out if this was true.

We asked thirty young people between 14 and 18. All the children said they had computers at home. We asked them how much time they usually spend on their computers in a week, but we wondered what they used their computers for.

The average(平均的) time spend on a computer in a week was 12 hours, with the highest user about 30 hours and the lowest only 5 hours. There were no differences between boys and girls.

All the children said they usually used their computers to play games. Fourteen told us they did some word-processing at home, but not very much. Only three of them said that computers helped them with their studies, and nine people told us that they kept addresses and telephone numbers on their computers, or used them as diaries. Only four people said they were learning to make programs, and nobody looked up databases(数据库). None of the people used their computers for any other use. The diagram below gives all the results one by one.

The results show that computer use is quite high among 14-18 year-old children. They also show quite clearly that computers are used by most people as little more than game machines. The only other great uses are for word-processing and keeping address lists. It seems to us that, computers are common in the homes of young people, they haven’t become useful in everyday life.

1.How many young people were asked in the report?

A. 14.  B. 18.  C. 30.  D. 12.

2. In the last paragraph the underlined words “little more than” means___________.

A. almost the same as

B. less than

C. a little more than

D. different from

3.In the diagram, the letter “d” shows______________.

A. only two children spent 30 hours on their computers in a week

B. three children spent about 12 hours on their computers in a week

C. the number of children who spent their time learning to make programs

D. the number of children who spent the least time on their computers in a week

4.According to the report, __________________________________.

A. most of the children can use the computers to study

B. only children aged from 14 to 18 use their computers at home

C. children should not play computer games

D. people should do more to help children know what their computers are mainly used for

