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An American pilot who made an emergency landing Tuesday after the plane lost an engine is being praised for her “nerves of steel.” The pilot, Tammie Jo Schults, was flying a Southwest Airlines plane from New York City to Dallas, Texas, when the engine blew and broke apart. She landed the plane safely in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Sharp pieces of the engine struck and broke one of the plane’s windows. One passenger died after being partly sucked out of the plane. That passenger, Jennifer Riordan, was sitting next to the window that broke. Seven other people were hurt.

Schults, who is 56 years old, took the plane into a fast descent(降落). Passengers used oxygen masks and prepared for the force of landing. Schults’ clear thinking during a high- pressure situation helped save many lives. Schults is familiar with high-pressure situations. She got her first flying experience in the United States Navy, touching down fighter planes at speeds of 240 kilometers per hour. She was one of the first female fighter pilots in the Navy.

As the Reuters news agency reports, Schults wanted to become a pilot from a young age. In a story on the fighter plane blog F-16.net, she said she tried to attend an aviation(航空)career day at her high school. But she was told they did not accept girls. After serving in the Navy, Schults joined Southwest Airlines as a pilot. She started working there in 1993.

On Tuesday, Schults calmly told air traffic control that part of her plane was missing, and that she would need emergency workers on the ground after she landed. Passengers praised Schults for being calm and caring in an extremely difficult situation. One passenger, Diana McBride Self, wrote on Facebook, “Tammie Jo Schults, the pilot came back to speak to each of us personally. This is a true American Hero...A huge thank you for her knowledge, guidance and bravery …”

1.Which of the following might be the title of the passage?

A. What Avoids the Engine Burst.

B. How to Become a Female Pilot.

C. A Dangerous Flight by a Female Pilot.

D. A Female Pilot Praised for Her Iron Will.

2.What plays most important role in Schults’ successful landing the plane?

A. Her good preparations for the oxygen masks.

B. Her former skills and experience in the Navy.

C. Her story on the fighter plane blog F—16.net.

D. Passengers’ perfect cooperation and help.

3.How long has Schults worked for the Southwest Airlines so far?

A. For more than 25 years.   B. For less than 20 years.

C. For more than 30 years.   D. For less than 15 years.

4.Which of following might be the order of the event?

a. Schults calmly told air traffic control.

b. The plane landed safely in Philadelphia.

c. Part of the plane was missing.

d. Schults comforted each passenger.

A. c, a, d, b   B. c, d, a, b   C. c, a, b, d   D. a, c, b, d

