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My name is Cathy. I’m English, but I’m in shandong with my family now. Look! This is a photo of my family. This is my father. He is a manager of a theatre. He likes running. My mother is a nurse. She likes listening to music. The boy is my brother, Sam. His favourite sport is basketball. Who is the girl next to him? It’s me. I like table tennis very much.

1.Where is Cathy now?

A. In Beijing.   B. In Shantou.

C. In Shandong.  D. In Wuhan.

2.What’s Cathy’s father’s job?

A. An actor.   B. A manager.

C. A teacher.   D. A driver.

3.Who likes listening to music?

A. Cathy.          B. Sam.

C. Cathy’s father.   D. Cathy’s mother.

4.How many people are there in Cathy’s family?

A. Two.     B. Three.

C. Five.   D. Four.

5. The best title(最佳标题)is            .

A. My family.           B. A photo of my parents.

C. My favourite sport.     D. My parents’ jobs.

