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用必修一Unit 4, Unit 5和阅读新视野Unit2-4所学的词组填空。

1.They _____________ (握手) each other and became friends.

2.Small problems will turn into big ones if we _____________ (不重视) them.

3._____________ (根据……判断) his appearance, he is about 40 years old.

4.The bridge _____________ (炸毁) by the enemy.

5.A lot of people died, _____________ (争取) freedom.

6.___________ (失业) for two years because of my sickness, I decided to look for a part-time job.

7.Can you help me with this question? I cannot _____________ (理解) it.

8.Don’t _____________ (灰心) if you tried and failed because change is hard and slow. You just need to put in more efforts.

9.If the cost of the spaceships is _____________ (加以考虑), the movie cost billions of dollars to make.

10.People would like to do business with that young man who is known for

_____________ (守信用).

