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The following are the best restaurants to dine out with your parents in San Francisco.



3213 Scott St.

Telephone(415) 400-8500

What do you get when you mix amazing foods with a pleasant atmosphere? The perfect place for family dinner. Maybeck’s homemade pastas will transport you to the Italian countryside but the fried chicken brings you right back down to earth. It’s a great meal in a peaceful setting that everyone will be sure to remember.

Liholiho Yacht Club

Nob Hill

871 Sutter St.

Telephone: (415)440-5446

Sometimes, dinner with the parents can be a little bit self-serving. Like making a reservation (预约) at the place you’ve been dying to go to for months. They’ll enjoy Liholiho’s fine design and the creative dishes like togarashi popcorn and roasted octopus. You’ll have a delicious dinner and catch up with your parents—two birds, one stone.

Mason Pacific

Nob Hill

1358 Mason St.


If your parents enjoy a classic dining experience, this tiny American restaurant is a bit fancy, but the food is just as good as the atmosphere. And they’ve got great wine.

Heirloom Café


2500 Folsom St.

Telephone: (415) 821-2500

One good tip for deciding on the place to take your parents to dinner: listen to their opinions. If they love a restaurant and keep telling you to go to it, chances are you should book a table for all of you. For yours truly, that is Heirloom Café. The food is always fresh, the atmosphere is clean but relaxed and the service is always friendly.

1.What can you enjoy at Maybeck’s?

A. Some creative dishes.   B. Delicious fried chicken.

C. Different homemade foods.   D. Foods from the Italian countryside.

2.What do the “two birds” refer to?

A. The food and the atmosphere.

B. Liholiho’s fine design and parents.

C. Togarashi popcorn and roasted octopus.

D. Delicious foods and the time spent with parents.

3.Where should you go if you want to have some good wine?

A. Maybeck’s.   B. Mason Pacific.

C. Heirloom Café.   D. Liholiho Yacht Club.

