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November 7th

Today is our Open Day. Our parents come and visit our school on this day.

Our school looks nice and big. The playground is very big and our classrooms are clean and bright. We also have an art room, a music room, a biology room and a small hall.

First, everyone watches the students play different sports at 9:00 a.m. in the playground. Next we go to the art room to enjoy all the students’ pictures at 10:00 a.m. At 11 o’clock we all go to the school hall for a short meeting, and then we have lunch. After lunch, we have a rest for half an hour in the hall. At 2:00 p.m. we have a look at all the students’ work in the biology classroom. Finally we go to the music room and listen to some students play music at 4:00 p.m.

Everyone has a good time at school on this day.

Our Open Day

Date:  1. 7th


In the morning

Watch students   3.  sports in the playground at 9 o’clock

4. students’ pictures in the art room at 10 o’clock

Have a   5.  at 11 o’clock in the school hall

Have a rest for thirty  6.  after lunch in the school hall

In the afternoon

Have a  7. at students’ work in the 8. classroom at 2 o’clock

Listen to   9.  in the music room at 4 o’clock

Everyone has 10.  at school on this day.

