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Every May it happens.I drop to my knees,just outside the back door,raise my arms to the sky and shout,"That's it!I give up!Take my flower beds,you killer weeds!Blackberry vines(藤蔓),this land is yours!Vines,climb up and kill my trees one by one!I’m done!”

Then I get up,lie down on the swing,and close my eyes.I'm sure I can hear the weeds growing and the vines creeping in(悄悄爬进).I swear they are all laughing at me,too.They don't even have the manners to wait until I leave there.

There is no denying that gardens are battle zones in the spring.I blame it on those April and May rains.Once the heat moves in,I can control what gets watered and survives,but those early showers even out(平均分配)the battlefield.

Garden tools alone make it clear that gardening isn't an easy thing.My old cart seems to have the personality of a tank,and I'm pretty sure my spade is second cousin to a dagger.

By late June,both sides are worn down.I've given some of the yard over to the weeds—you just can't win them all.That's a battle for next year.There is no clear victory for me,but I've stood my ground for yet another season.

1.What is the best title of the passage?

A. A victory over weeds.   B. My love for the yard.

C. A battle against weeds.   D. The skills of gardening.

2.What does the underlined "it" in Paragraph 1 most probably refer to?

A. That heat moves in and evens out the battlefield.

B. That vines creep in and kill all the trees one by one.

C. That weeds take whole possession of the flower beds.

D. That the author gets exhausted from fighting against weeds.

3.What can we know from Paragraph 3?

A. Spring is the best time to kill weeds.

B. Spring's heal helps weeds to win the battle.

C. The rain makes it hard for the author to win her battle.

D. The spring rain makes the plants to suffer too much.

4.Why does the author compare her garden tools to weapons?

A. To show the power of the tools.

B. To stress the difficulty of gardening.

C. To describe the shapes of the tools.

D. To provide ways of gardening.

5.What can we learn according to the passage?

A. The author is exhausted by the battle and has finally given up.

B. The author has decided to battle with the weeds next year.

C. The author enjoys the battle with the weeds and expect another fight.

D. The author does not want to kill all the weeds since they are also helpful.

