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Electronic (电子的) books, or e-books, have changed the way many of us read. Now, electronic textbooks are changing the way many students 1. Many schools in Washington have begun using online course materials for their students. Rather than using a regular textbook, it’s all online.

“Our students are ready to use resources (资源) from different 2,” said the head teacher, Peter Noonan. He talked about the 3 of electronic textbooks to a reporter. “The world is changing 4. Online textbooks can change right along with the things that are happening.  Besides, electronic textbooks 5 less than regular textbooks. We need to pay $8 million for the regular textbooks for our students, but we only need to spend $6 million 6 the electronic textbooks,” said Peter Noonan.

Students have different ideas about the change, 7 most like it. “I don’t have to carry a textbook around, so that is 8 ,” said a high school student named Melanie Reuter. Maria didn’t 9. “I don’t like it because the Internet sometimes doesn’t work.”

Some students don’t have a computer or can’t go online at home. Stephen is 10 of them. But he said, “I can go to the library, or go to a friend’s house, to go online.”

1.                A.eat            B.learn           C.sleep     D.walk

2.                A.newspapers     B.schools         C.places    D.grades

3.                A.advantages      B.progress        C.messages D.environment

4.                A.normally        B.slowly          C.possibly  D.fast

5.                A.happened       B.cost            C.ended    D.behaved

6.                A.for            B.in             C.at   D.on

7.                A.but            B.or             C.until D.and

8.                A.polite          B.rude           C.good D.bad

9.                A.appear         B.stay            C.agree    D.arrive

10.               A.another        B.one           C.other     D.neither

