↑ 收起筛选 ↑

A: Hi, James!

B: Hi, Mr Black! What's that behind you?

A: 1.

B: A robot(机器人)? What can it do for you?

A: It can help me remember a lot of important things.

B: Really? It sounds very interesting. 2.

A: My wife did.

B: 3.

A: She is a scientist(科学家).

B: Why did she make it for you?

A: 4.

B: May I ask the robot some questions?

A: Sorry. I think it knows too much about me. I don't like it.

B: I can not understand. If I have one like this, how happy I will be!

A: You will have one very soon. It's time for class5.

B: Me, too. Bye!

A: See you.

