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I knew it was snowing before I opened my eyes. There was that special quiet in the air that comes when the city is heavily ________ with snow. My thirteen-year-old big brother, Lenny, came in and asked me if I wanted to go ________ with him in Madison Square Garden.

I had no time to ________. I dressed myself in a hand-mc-down winter coat, put on the boots and ________ the clasps(搭扣). Eventually, we ________ on the twenty-block journey in the snow.

The first twelve blocks weren’t ________, but the long cross town street ________ to be terrible. The fierce winds made it almost impossible to ________ forward. I could no longer ________ my brother. My ________ was uncovered. My hands and feet ached with ________.

We stopped in a doorway for a rest. Lenny took his hands out of his pockets and bent down to refasten the ________ metal clasps of my boots. ________ that Lenny had to take care of me, I stared straight ahead and ________ a man walking toward us through the snow.

I was unable to ________ how old he was but he was tall, thin, and had a gentle, ________ face. He wore no hat. There was a ________ around his neck, and his overcoat, like ours, was caked with snow. He kneeled down before me and wrapped his soft wine-colored scarf ________ around my head.

1don’t remember ice-skating that day, or how we got home. All my ________ holds is the snow, the ________ of a stranger, and my big brother, Lenny.

1.A. mixed   B. filled   C. blanketed   D. surrounded

2.A. skating   B. swimming   C. running   D. shopping

3.A. kill   B. pass   C. spend   D. waste

4.A. fastened   B. opened   C. wore   D. broke

5.A. cut off   B. blocked out   C. set out   D. settled down

6.A. curious   B. difficult   C. distant   D. heartbreaking

7.A. proved   B. failed   C. happened   D. promised

8.A. ride   B. look   C. pull   D. push

9.A. keep track of   B. keep up with   C. pay attention to   D. stay away from

10.A. head   B. neck   C. hat   D. overcoat

11.A. frost   B. cold   C. snow   D. wind

12.A. small   B. great   C. dirty   D. icy

13.A. Scared   B. Ashamed   C. Surprised   D. Excited

14.A. viewed   B. watched   C. observed   D. saw

15.A. recognize   B. know   C. describe   D. tell

16.A. familiar   B. pretty   C. handsome   D. strange

17.A. leather   B. lace   C. scarf   D. circle

18.A. calmly   B. roughly   C. tightly   D. closely

19.A. life   B. memory   C. family   D. heart

20.A. kindness   B. modesty   C. optimism   D. determination

