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请根据句子逻辑, 从模块七课本所学的词汇中选用恰当的单词并且使用其正确的形式填空。

1.A person’s success is greatly r__________ to his diligence. So if you want to succeed, work hard right now.

2.Tim is a person from Canton and can’t bear spicy food. So he still can’t a_______ to the food in Chongqing where people can hardly live without pepper, though he has been living there for a quarter of months.

3. The things donated by the kind-hearted people will be d_____________ among the pupils in this school and we hope that each of them may get one item at least.

4.I will not let you go. You are the one we heavily depend on and we can’t find a s_____________ for you.

5.We should have the courage to a_________ our mistakes instead of concealing(掩盖)them.

6.Canada is a____________ in fresh water and other natural resources.

7. Before the slavery system was a__________, it had been a monster for many poor people, especially for the black ones.

8.After you have finished this task, I will make an a___________ of it and see if you are qualified for the next stage.

9.The pool is too s_________ for people to swim in and the water can only reach the waist.

