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The speed and convenience of modern travel means that destinations that used to take a long time to travel to can now be reached quickly and easily. Even though” faraway” countries may now seem closer thanks to air travel, they may still be different from your home country.________1.________Following are some fundamental rules that will make communication easier, and your trip more enjoyable.

2.________If you don not know the word for something in local language, or can not make yourself understood verbally, try drawing a picture, or pointing to an object.

Avoid topics of conversation that you think may be sensitive.________3.________.Feel free to show interest in the history and customs of the place you are visiting, but don’t ask too many questions about why things are done a certain way; you may offend the local people.

________4.________Kissing on the street or in public places is unacceptable behavior and should be avoided. If you are unsure of how to behave, watch the local people and copy them---if they don’t behave in a certain way, you probably shouldn’t either.

Finally, if you are traveling on business, or plan to stay with a host to family, and you wish to take a gift, do some research. ________5.________. One of the easiest ways to offend somebody is to give the wrong gift.

Wherever you go in the world, always be tolerant of the local customs. Avoid being critical; try instead to show respect for the values of the country you are in, even if you do not necessarily agree with them

A.Keep in mind that in many cultures, display affection in public is considered taboo.

B.Consider the main lifestyle of the country you plan to visit.

C.Never raise your voice in order to make yourself understood.

D.If a topic is sensitive in your own culture, it will more than likely be the same in other cultures.

E.The idea of the perfect gift varies greatly from country to country.

F.The opening of gifts is also treated very differently around the world.

G.Therefore, it is important to adapt your behavior not to offend the local people.

