↑ 收起筛选 ↑


A: Welcome to our talk show, Mr. Green.

B: Thank you. I'm glad to be here.


B: I work at a TV station. I'm a reporter.


B: Yes, I'm busy but I enjoy my work. And I like watching TV in the evening. It is helpful for my job.

A: Really?93.3.

B: I like sports shows best, and I ofien write some articles about sports.

A: Oh, you must be a sports fan. 94.4.

B: Yes, I often watch it.


B: Wonderful! It's useful. I can learn a lot from your talk show. That's why I am here today.

You must be very busy working as a reporter.

Where do you work?

What do you think of our talk show?

Where do you come from?

What TV shows do you like best?

Do you often watch our show?

Do you like to play basketball?

You must be very busy working as a reporter.

Where do you work?

What do you think of our talk show?

Where do you come from?

What TV shows do you like best?

Do you often watch our show?

Do you like to play basketball?

