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Ina and her brother, Billy, were visiting Lost Valley Farm. In the afternoon they wanted to go horse-riding. Ina and Billy were good riders, so their parents said it was OK. They took a map and some food for a snack(快餐) and set off.

Ina and Billy were riding slowly through the hills when they saw a wild horse. They decided to ride after it. The race lasted a short time. The horse ran too fast and was soon far away. Ina and Billy stopped and tied their horse to a tree. Then they knew they were lost!

They weren’t afraid because they had a map. In the end they found their way back to the farm by reading the map. They were very happy.

1.Ina and Billy’s parents let them go horse-riding.

2.Ina and Billy were riding fast when they saw a wild horse.

3.The wild horse ran very fast.

4.Ina and Billy were afraid because they were lose.

5.In the end, Ina and Billy found their way back to the farm by using the map.

