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Personal planes which can take off noiselessly from the back garden will be possible within two years.

Lilium Aviation is inventing an electric two-seater airplane which  takes just 20 hours to learn to fly and can travel at speeds of  250mph.More importantly, the small plane, which weighs just 25kg, can take off vertically which means it does not need to fly from an airport, but could be parked outside a house or in a garden. The company says the design will “open the door to a new class of simpler, quieter and environmentally friendly planes” and will be possible from 2018.

“Our goal is to develop an airplane for use in everyday life,” said Daniel, CEO and one of the company’s four founders.“We are going for a plane that can take off and land vertically and does not need the difficult and expensive infrastructure  of an airport.

Although helicopters offer a choice, they are very noisy and difficult to fly and require expensive licenses. They also have no backup if the rotor  fails, making them costly to build and keep. While firstly limited to airfields, the Lilium airplane will eventually take off vertically from almost anywhere – even from back gardens – it needs only an open flat area of 50 ft by 50ft (15 m x 15m).

The plane is classed as a Light Sport Aircraft for two users, with the pilot’s license requiring 20 hours’ minimum training – almost like taking a driving license. It is intended for fun flying during daylight, in good weather conditions and in least crowded airspace up to 3 km altitude. The airplane would have to follow the same flight laws as helicopters.

1.What is the advantage of the Lilium airplane?

A. It can seat more people.   B. It flies at a high speed.

C. It needs a small airport.   D. It only takes up a small space to park.

2.Which condition is proper for Lilium airplane to fly?

A. On a fine evening.   B. On a rainy morning

C. On a sunny afternoon   D. On a sunny evening

3.The Lilium airplane can be used in daily life because ________.

A. it needs a backup.   B. it takes a very long time to learn.

C. it takes off and lands very easily.   D. it can fly in good weather condition.

4.From the passage we know that _________.

A. customers can buy this kind of aircraft in 2019.

B. Lilium airplanes started a new period of planes

C. back gardens will have no use for Lilium airplanes

D. Lilium airplanes can offer comfortable and noiseless flight.

