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Most advertising in ancient times was word-of-mouth, that is, people liked something and told others about it. But even then, people advertised by putting inscriptions (题字) on walls, for example to display political slogans and to offer household goods for sale. Also, in Rome and Greece, in ancient times, it was common for people to use papyrus, a kind of paper, to advertise things they had lost or found. The tradition of wall or rock painting as a way of advertising goods is even more ancient.

Painting developed in the 15th and 16th centuries, and this increased the forms of advertising. Handbills — small printed notices and advertisements — became common. Then, by the 17th century, advertisements started appearing in weekly newspapers in England. In the 19th century mail order catalogues appeared, promoting all kinds of goods.

Finally, advertisements in the 1960s became more creative and more interesting. Also, they began to draw attention to the ‘unique selling points', the USPs of products. These are the qualities that make a product different from competitors' products.

These days, advertisers have come up with new ways of promoting their products. For example, product placement is now common. This is advertising in TV programmes or films by having a character, preferably played by a famous actor, use a particular product. For example, Tom Cruise's character in the movie, Minority Report, had a computer with the Nokia logo (商标) on it, and his watch was clearly made by Bulgari.

TV commercials are a very effective medium for advertisers, though these are very expensive. If an organization wants to have a 30-second TV advert during the annual Superbowl game in the United States, they have to pay about $2.5 million.

Perhaps the most interesting development is the use of famous personalities to endorse (代言)   a product. The basketball player, Michael Jordan, endorsed Nike products and wore them while playing.

Getting well-known personalities to endorse a product can be very expensive, but endorsements certainly increase a product's sales, especially if the personality has a positive image in the eyes of the public.

1.What is Paragraph 1 mainly about?

A. The influence of advertising.

B. The development of advertising.

C. Ways of advertising in ancient times.

D. Types of product advertising in ancient times.

2.Which of the following is TRUE about advertisements in the 1960s?

A. They were complicated and entertaining.

B. They contained quite a lot of information.

C. They were mainly shown in TV programmes.

D. They focused on the special features of products.

3.In product placement, advertisers tend to use ________________________________________________________________________.

A. cartoon characters.   B. intelligent people.

C. fictional characters.   D. popular actors or actresses.

4.What is the benefit of endorsements?

A. They are not expensive.   B. They are fairly interesting.

C. They promote product sales.   D. They pass on positive messages.

