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Which meal do we n1. most, breakfast, lunch or dinner? Dinner is the big meal of the day, but it is not the meal we need most. Breakfast is the meal we need most, because from night until(直到) the next m2. is a long time to go without food. We need food every morning. We may become cross(易怒的) or sick(病的) i3.we have no breakfast.

How many t4. a day should children eat? Most people eat t5. meals a day, but five times a day is fine for children. Children are always h6. after school. They should have a snack then. It keeps(阻止)them from eating too much f7. at dinner. They should also have an apple or an orange to eat. They are g8.. They need to eat often.

Is it right to eat a lot when we get t9.? Eating a big meal when you are tired can make you sick. Wait until you are not tired. Then your food will be good f10. you.

