↑ 收起筛选 ↑

When I am free, my father’s big rough(粗糙的) hands always come into my mind. His hands tell the story of his life as a ________ and all his hard life.

One summer, we had a poor harvest(收获) because there was little rain in our area. On one hot sunny morning I was ________ sweet corn(玉米) with my dad to fill the last order from the supermarket. That morning, however, after two hours of walking in the field, we ________ needed ten baskets of sweet corns to pick. I was completely sad and ________. Dropping the empty basket heavily, I cried, “If the supermarket wants its last ten baskets, they can come to pick them on their own!” Dad ________, “Just think, my little girl, only five baskets left for each of us and then we are done.” Such is Dad. Whatever problem he ________, he never gives up. Though we didn’t have a god harvest, Dad remained optimistic(乐观的).

Dad is also a good example of real ________. From early morning to late evening, he works hard to feed our family. He always puts our happiness ________ his own, and never fails to cheer me up at my sports games ________ he is very tired after a long day’s work. His loving, kindness and selfless nature have encouraged me to become more kindhearted.

I will say to my dad from my heart, “Dad, I have learned a lot of life ________ from you. You will stay with me forever. You are my father, teacher, friend and, most importantly, my hero.”

1.A. teacher   B. gardener   C. farmer   D. shopper

2.A. growing   B. planting   C. buying   D. picking

3.A. ever   B. still   C. even   D. nearly

4.A. angry   B. interested   C. surprised   D. excited

5.A. shouted   B. repeated   C. replied   D. smiled

6.A. meets with   B. brings up   C. works out   D. thinks about

7.A. love   B. pride   C. winner   D. sadness

8.A. after   B. before   C. between   D. under

9.A. unless   B. because   C. though   D. so

10.A. history   B. experience   C. ideas   D. courses

