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What will people look like in the future? Someone made a______.In the future,people will have larger heads and bigger eyes.The larger heads will be able to store ______ brains(脑).People will become smarter. ______will people have bigger eyes? That's because people may go and live on other ______.They may be farther ______ the sun than the earth is.Then people will need bigger eyes to see ______ in the darker environment.______ UV radiations (紫外线) are stronger on other planets than on the earth,people's skin (皮肤) won't be so ______as before.

What's more,people will not need to open their mouths to ______.They will communicate by chips in their heads.

What?You don't want a face like this?Don't ______.People will look like this in at least 20,000 years.

1.A. prediction   B. hobby   C. decision   D. discussion

2.A. higher   B. taller   C. larger   D. less

3.A. When   B. How   C. Why   D. Where

4.A. hotels   B. planets   C. UFOs   D. cities

5.A. at   B. on   C. with   D. from

6.A. clearly   B. loudly   C. carefully   D. quickly

7.A. Though   B. Because   C. And   D. When

8.A. blue   B. white   C. black   D. red

9.A. write   B. read   C. sing   D. speak

10.A. disagree   B. hope   C. worry   D. enjoy

