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What’s On?

Happy Reunion

July 17—27(not on Saturdays and Sundays), 7: 30 pm   PG Theater

Presented by theater director Li Tsung-hsi, “Across the Sea to See You” tells a story of a couple who have a touching reunion after years of separation on the two sides of the Taiwan Strait. Li says the idea of the drama comes from the story of his grandmother. She reunited with her sister when cross-strait relations became warmer. Following the performances in Shanghai, it will tour around China.

Post-War Art in Rome

August 7—27(closed on Mondays), 10 am-8 pm   Prada Rong Zhai

Over 30 paintings and sculptures by Italian artists including Carla Accardi and Afro Basaldella are on display in the “Roma 1950-1965” exhibition at Prada Rong Zhai. The exhibition explores the cultural and art scene that developed in Rome after World War II.

Storage Memory

July 8—18, 11 am-7 pm   Power Station of Art

The solo exhibition of works by French artist Christian Boltanski aims to inspire emotional connections through a series of videos, sounds and shadow theater. Boltanski has had a far-reaching influence on the development of contemporary art in Europe.

Traditional Operas

August 20,7: 15 pm   STA Experimental Theater

Classic excerpts(节选) from “The Palace of Eternal Youth” and “The Orphan of Zhao” will be performed in memory of Peking and Kunqu Opera artist Yu Zhenfei. Performers include Peking Opera artist Shang Changrong and Kunqu Opera artist Cai Zhengren.

1.Whose works of art show Roman culture after World War II?

A. Yu Zhenfei’s.

B. Li Tsung-his’s.

C. Afro Basaldella’s.

D. Christian Boltanski’s.

2.At which place can people fond of Chinese operas have a great time?

A. PG Theater.

B. Prada Rong Zhai.

C. Power Station of Art.

D. STA Experimental Theater.

3.What do we know about the drama “Across the Sea to See You”?

A. It tells a true story.

B. It stars a theater director.

C. It will be performed at weekends.

D. It will be performed in different cities.

