↑ 收起筛选 ↑

1.Water is __________(有益) to both plants and animals.

2.To their __________(恼怒,生气), he decided not to come back for the Spring Festival.

3.Our new school library is __________(可使用的,可进入的) to every student in our school for free.

4.We look at the child with __________(同情).

5.Children under 14 must be __________(陪伴)by an adult.

6.The broken blue bike was found __________(抛弃,遗弃) by the river side.

7.As I was sorting out my __________(住处), a door bell rang.

8.These facts are __________(与…有关) to the case.

9.You should encourage the young __________(参与者) to run the company.

10.This paper is __________(分配) free.

11.The boss gave her the job on the headmaster’s __________(推荐).

12.She __________(致谢)his help in her book.

13.They are busy making __________(准备) for the wedding.

14.She felt her home wasn’t __________(讲究的,高雅的)enough.

15.He made a __________(捐赠) to the stricken area.

