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单词拼写:(共 10 小题; 每小题 1  分;满分 10 分)

1.As we all know, fresh fruit_________(包含) plentiful Vitamin C.

2.My sister takes an interest in music and she can play some musical _________(乐器).

3.It is important to have ____________(平衡) diets to keep fit.

4.Dinosaurs__________(存在) millions of years ago but then died out suddenly.

5.Children should not be permitted to watch any __________(暴力的) movie.

6.He ______________(承认) stealing money from the company and then was fired by the boss.

7.The daughter sucked her teeth and ______(不耐烦) waited, wondering what he was doing

8.The letter was not addressed to me but I opened it out of ________(好奇).

9.Her grandma is as energetic as the young and hates sitting around _______(聊天)all day long.

10.He insisted that I ________(道歉) to the boy who was drowning in the river yesterday

